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A Blessing From God, by Elaine Owens
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for continually amazing your children by hearing our prayers and taking to heart our conditions as human beings, weak and frail in need of a Shepherd to continually guide us from day to day, moment to moment.

We are especially thankful for knowing and being aware of all our wants and needs and desires and granting them according to your will for our individual lives.

We have so much already to be thankful for.
It is by your hand that we breathe, live and move and have
a purpose in life.

Thank you for your fellowship with us, Lord.
Without you we are nothing and would be nothing but
people walking around without love and concern for others.

Thank you for the opportunity you bring to us, Lord, to not only serve you but to support our homes where there may be food to eat, power to keep us warm, vehicles to get us to work, and medicine to keep us well, and money and jobs to pay the bills, and tithes and offerings to build your kingdom on this earth.

Thank you Lord, for Missions and allowing us to travel to
other countries and be used by you to spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ.

Father, it gives us great joy to come before you and tell you from our hearts how much we love you and all you do to provide for us.

Even when we lack the proper words Lord, your Holy Spirit makes known to you our groanings and needs and cries
for breakthrough and comfort and companionship.

Lord, thank you for the quiet moments to sit and reflect and
praise you for always being there when we do not know
in advance the things we will face from day to day.

Thank you for your assurance and promise that we can
ask and it shall be given; seek and we shall find; knock
and the door shall be opened unto us. For everyone who
asks receives; he who seeks finds; and for those who knock,
the door shall be opened. This is your promise to us.
Thank you so much.

Lord, it is in your name, the Name of Jesus, we ask and seek and knock for the different areas in each life that need

Lord, thank you in advance for all that you do and will do in each of our lives.

In the Precious Name of Jesus, we lift this prayer to you.

Your Joyful Sister in Christ,
Elaine Marie Owens